met up with jennnnyyy elizaaaaa and benjaminnn for lunch at aston yesterday =)) ages since i last saw all of them, except jenny that is. haha! meeting up with them is the best time for the reminiscing of the good old secondary school days, especially st john days! make me feel like going back to help out =( due to our tight schedule, we only HAD 1HR FOR OUR LUNCH because jenny, ben and i have lessons in the afternoon. if only we could all skip school and just chill and catch up, that would be good. but oh well, maybe mooncake festival will be the next meet up. hee.
IM GOING FOR A CAMPING TRIP! IM GOING FOR A CAMPING TRIP! IM SO EXCITED! hee! i always want to go on a camping trip and its finally going to be realised! YAY!! =D so we have our group meeting today to finalise our plans, get our permit and we are all ready! hee! this is my first project ever in uni that makes me feel happy doing it. haha! because we were just planning to have fun and thats all. and thats the purpose for my project! coool.
met up with joyce and sahal a couple of days back for dinner! photos are still with joyce. upload when she sends me. i love stradivarius friends! and meijuan was sooooo nice to entertain me on phone for near 2hrs BECAUSE SOMEONE KEPT ME WAITING FOR LIKE DAMN LONG!! we talked till my phone went flat! and we both realised we are losers! haha! seriously. we cry over the slightest thing. when we are angry, we cry. when we are sad, we cry. when we quarrel with people, we cry. when we are stress, we cry. OMG. losers. and i hate being one. so weak!
mac drive thru for breakfast today! reminds me of ah joyce who couldnt multi-task when she had to step on the brake and order her breakfast simultaneously. haha!
mr yeo treating MPS people for dinner tml!!! and its freaking farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, somewhere at joo koon! *faints if only i can drive there!!! but even if i could, i probably get lost somewhere. haha! joo koon is so ulu pandan!
im talking all random stuff. i should go read my notes. byeeee!