Friday, January 01, 2010

its the LAST DAY of YEAR 2009!! HAPPY 28TH MONTHS too boyfriend!

first half of the year went smoothly only to find that the latter half was a nightmare =( but im sure the coming 2010 will be better. so GOODBYE to all those horrible memories of 2009! STOP HAUNTING ME!!!! shooooo!
the very last sec of 2009 and the very first sec of 2010 was spent with boyfriend and his group of friends at a park. and there was even fireworks!! =)) boyfriend drove me home and he stopped by the road and i took over the wheel. muahahahhaha! the very first time i drove boyfriend on the very first day of 2010. haha! but im still unstable because i barely drove after i got my licence =/
HELLLO 2010! make it a happy year!

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