okie...lookin at e pics is enuff...no need elaboration...n i just realise smth...i didnt take a pic of e parade!!! i mux be too engrossed watchin em...hahahx...my cousins n i got so excited starin at those ppl in uniforms...hahahhax! they look sooo shuai! i think they just look so smart in their uniforms...=D hehehx....oh...n i saw sjab ppl doin public duty there...hahahax...I MISS WEARIN SJAB UNIFORM!!! I MISS DOIN FOOTDRILLS!!! I MISS DOIN CPR ON E DUMMY!!! I MISS ALL THE NONSENSE TAT HAPPENED!!! =((
right...so much for e ndp preview...
goin to sch is like goin for a war...cox is time trials n time trials...means rushin n rushin to finish up qns n qns n qns...n it was a super chem-my dae ydae...4 periods of chem...gosh...yesh...is time trials again...3 periods of time trials n one period of tutorial...but i dun realli mind e 4 periods...at least is better than any other subjects...n all e teachers are 'kope-ing' our breaks for extra consultations n tutorials...so is like lessons from mornin to afternoon...=(
n we are called e fairies now...thx to mrs logan...cox she sae e 5 of us are so soft spoken in class...n only whisper n giggle among ourselves...yar....tat time meet e parents session, she was tellin my mum 'she is alreadi so quiet...n she still mix wif all e quiet ppl' hahahax...of cox ppl haf to haf some common traits before they can click together isnt it? since im quiet...of cox i mix wif ppl of e same kind mar...rite? okie...nvm...just some random thought...im not tat quiet once im out of e class anywae...=x
n before e start of chem time trial tat dae...
fiona: ehh...my leg veri fat leh...
me: no lor...my one also wad..
fiona: no!! my one fatter than urs...
me: no...my one also can...
fiona: nonono....my one realli fatter
me: fine...dun fight wif u...ur one fatter...
fiona: *exasperated* u are suppose to sae ur one fatter than mine to make me feel good!
me: =p
hahhax....now i wonder...when girls tok...they tok nth else but who is fatter...hahhax...n thx ah mok! todae i was eatin baked french toast n ah mok was tellin me how fattenin it is cox got butter on e bread...im goin to be a 'fairy' next week le lar...
ryl!!! take care of ur poor ankle n knee...
ah xian!!! take care also!!! hurry recover frm ur flu n cough n everythin....
ah mok!! stop starvin urself n EAT SMTH!! (dun sae i xin ji zhong okie...=p)
as for fiona.....hmmm....stop tiao bo li jian-ing! hehehx...=p
hmmm....just now when i got home...my mummi told me granduncle in semi-concious state...then 2 hrs later or so...daddi called n sae he passed awae le...kinda sudden...cox i dun even noe wad exactly happen...just heard frm my mum is some complications frm his previous operation or smth liddat...haixx..
when u are happily livin in a corner of e world...someone just left for another world....
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