Tuesday, March 26, 2013

fairies reunite!

ryl's birthday celebration (round 2) with fairies! =)) it has beeen a long while since the five of us met. its a warm feeling to meet up with them because we just have so much to share, and we are so comfortable with one another theres nth called 'unglam'. and its good to know that none of us has changed. we are still as crazy as ever, doing the stupidest thing and not being afraid that we will be judged by others. yes, as evident below.

this is what happened when i whatsapped ryl to get her to send me one more photo of us so that i can complete my collage. look at the nonsense they did when they were on the train. i almost laughed out loud literally when i saw the whatsapp images. haha! seriously. i bet they gotten many stares from the uncles and aunties on board the train. they actually spammed the grp chat with all of their individual shots and i decided to piece them up into a collage. heh.

and their tagline -  'friends are like organs, you cant do without them' =))

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