im dead tired. long day today. had therapy session in the morning, school in the afternoon and work at night =/ i seriously think im working more than im studying this semester. and im having an interview for my internship at WeeCare in the following week. hope i can get it. would be a good experience for me and maybe i can learn ways to handle my boy as well. much needed.
lectures in the afternoon was funny. the prof was talking abt andropause and how men are so affected because they cant get it up like before. how their refractory period is longer when they are older to the extent that sometimes it may takes days or months for it to have a response again. he started citing examples and he started laughing to himself. haha! funny prof. i kind of admire him actually. because i think he is very zai. he was telling us he was on plane when he had to attend to 1 passenger with ectopic pregnancy and another 1 with asthma. i think its damn cool. and that day he was showing us videos on the 5 different methods to deliver a baby. it was damn gross because the first video showed the doctor cutting the vagina because the cervix did not dilate enough and all the blood and fluid and whatever was everywhere =/ and the caesarean method was ermm..none the better. i didnt know the whole uterus can be flipped out of the female's abdomen for the doctor to clean it. like literally stuff his hand into the uterus to clean it =/ and my prof had done all methods before. and i was like 'wahhhh, cooool'...i think knowledgeable and capable guys make me go 'wahhh' =)
volunteer work yesterday was nice =) brought the special needs children out to have fun, and im sure they did =)
MPS is not ending =( why are there so many residents with so many issues to be resolved?
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