so jealous to see that ntu and smu students have already ended their exams =( and nus has yet to start!
seriously cant wait for holidays to come!! but when holiday comes, boyfriend will be flying to aust for 3 weeks =(( so should i anticipate my holidays?
nvm. i'll make my holidays packed with activities. im planningggggg!!!
the first thing that i will organise is KBOX WITH THE FAIRIES!!! as i've promised mok! hee! then i'll find someone to teach me roller blade! and i'll go cycling all day long! AND SHOPPINGGGG!! and sitting down at random cafes to drink and talk! meet boyfriend all the time before he flies off and after he comes back! arts camp! finding work! go holiday with family! =DD whee! so exciting! IM MOTIVATED TO STUDYYYYYYYY!!!
ps: MOK! i heard u went to buy a box of that low caloric cereal biscuit! HAHA!
preserved mango from boyfriend!! haahhaha!!! to keep me going while i study! after tasting brands of mango, i've come to a conclusion that ego brand's preserved mango taste the nicest! haha! it has got the exact taste that i want. lots of vinegar! hee...
okay! back to studying!
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