Thursday, May 22, 2008

last day of work already! yay! =)

i shall cherish the last 8 hrs sitting in this office.

i cant wait for today to end. because im already thinking of what to do for the next week, next next week, next next next week =)

- lunch with ryl, na and sian next week
- mahjong sessions with fairies
- swimming, gyming, tennis at ah ryl's place
- sun tanning with sister
- shopping with my dear jenny
- learn to drive
- learn to ice skate properly
- roller bladding with sister
- drop by yew mei green one day to find edward tan
- research and big big discussion with fairies on our big big plan
- spend more time with boyfriend!
- diet!!!

okay, thats all i can think of. thats enough to last me for some time i hope.

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