rainin cats n dogs when e paper ended...the fairies went to airport to eat ban mian...hahax...n fiona has a strong affinity wif droplets of water....we were crossin e road n while waitin for e green man...we stood under a shelter n droplets of water landed on fiona...then...while we were in e bus...ryl fiona n i were sittin together at the back of e bus with fiona in between us...n the aircon leak....and water chose to drip on her...THEN...while we were eatin ban mian...e aircon leak also...and drip on fiona AGAIN....like....e whole world's air con is leakin on fiona...=p anywae...after ban mian...we had drinks! =D
so we drank n tok n tok n luff n luff n luff like we nva tok n luff before...it seems soooo long since e 5 of us just sit down n tok and luff at every single thing...n ah mok super furnie lar...she was tellin us she didnt dare to drink root beer initially...cox she thought root beer is BEER....AHHHHHHHH....until like sec 3 when she found out tat it actually isnt then she started drinkin....HAHAHAHX...then i make ah mok choke on her drink...hahax! cox she was sayin she wanted to try lemon float next time...n i was tellin her is such a weird combi...lemon is sour but e ice cream is sweet...doesnt go well...n dunno isnt ryl or huixian tat says its sweet n sour...then i got reminded of sweet n sour pork...so i told her maybe can add in pieces of meat...perhaps it will be better....then she got er dao...n got choke on her drink...and she make a mess on e table...n ryl even worse than me...she suggested blendin e meat into e drink....=x then we tok abt geo, history, lit...n huxian n i suddenly got reminded of mao zedong...hahhax..is a big joke tat i created...cox tat time we were doin pair work for gp...then we were tokin abt mao zedong n i thought mao zedong still alive can...n huixian was luffin at me for like dunno how longggg....okie...everyone has their retarded moments...
hahahhax...then there's this cute ah peh who came to clear our table n attempted to kope my coins...hahax..cox we were comparin who has got more coins...then the ah pek stuck his hand out n signal me to give him e coins...hahax..then he was tellin us he could get e drink at a cheaper price cox he is a staff there...hahax...n i felt bad makin him clear e table...he old le but still haf to work...hmmm...
we are good at utilisin public places to fully maximise our welfare...hahhax...we spend like 2hr plus there...eatin drinkin tokin n luffin...then we are at the arrival hall there...n we decided to go n join in e fun....hahax...cox got alot ppl waitin there...so e five of us stood there n pretended we were waitin for someone...n ah na was pretendin to hold a signage or watever u call tat.....n ah mok did smth retarded...cox there this railin somewhere near e exit where those ppl who touch down will exit frm...n ppl waitin will wait behind the railin....n ah mok went behind e railin n pretended to walk out frm e exit n waved to us n givin us her usual silly smile...hahahhax...suddenly...we felt so paiseh cox theres so many ppl there n we all siam e place immediately...hahahhax....then we took e sky train...ah mok went to crystal jade to buy her usual stuff...n ah na pointed this to me...
then we went down to e mrt station...waited for ah na to top up her ezlink...then we stood in our usual circle n tok...n ah na kept askin us how much to bring to go hongkong...hahax..cox we were plannin of goin overseas together...n we started thinkin of how much to save n when to go...ryl can save on hotel expenses cox she doesnt need to slp...n ah mok was sayin i dunhaf to bring much money either since i dun eat...hahax...so we tok n tok while waitin for ah mok n ah xian's train to depart...
then e 3 of us went to take bus....n ah na did retarded things again...okie...i did smth retarded also....e one abt hongkong being independent...ehh...also dunno how to elaborate...i was luffin at fiona then i realise i make a mistake n everyone luff at me...hahahx...nvm...then we walked past this flight operation control station or smth...where all the pilots are....PILOTS ARE SOOOO COOL!!! n the 3 of us were tryin to peep in...hahahhax...then ah na n i took e same bus back...n we did stupid things again...hahahx...shall now elaborate this...n yup...finally got home...
wad a looonggggg post...n im luffin while im bloggin...i mux have looked dumb...hahax..cox i rmb wad happen just now then the thought of it just make me wan to luff....especially e part when ah mok pretended to walk out....hahahx...
so how many retarded things haf e fairies did todae?
but it felt soo good to be wif e fairies...cox we nva fail to do stupid n retarded things...n we were luffin so much tat my face was achin n my eyes were tearin...=p I LOVE THE FAIRIES!!!
hahahhax....okie...i think i like blog enuff for e entire month or smth...hahahax...n i think im growin fat again...stayin at home isnt a good idea...cox my mummi keep feedin me wif food...=x shall start dietin soon...
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