probably e only thing im lookin forward to for tomolo will be PE LESSON!!!!because..........and yesh of cox...seeing my frenx again...hehehx....=)
shall end my post here...wad a super duper short goin to watch full house le...
POKKA!!! =)
Monday, September 18, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
5 daes since i last touch e com...n 15 sept alreadi!!! tat means 15 more daes to promos...n i still got so much to revise...ZzZz...
i cant exactly rmb wad i did on think im gettin stm(short term memory)
anywae...thurs was great!!! because......pokka was standin right behind me durin mornin assembly in LT...gasp! n he sang e sch song...n i heard ZZZZ... electrocuted...ZZZZ =) im suppose to stop hua-chi-ing...but i guess it cant be helped...jc life is so mundane....time to add some colours to it...=) so lets add green!!!
had phy spa todae...was in a total rush for time...n my sweaty palm activated...i mean..realli realli activated...i had trouble tryin to write...e red string was totally soaked in my hands...erm..okie..tat sounded gross...anywae...i did manage to finish it was still alright...
n yep....i realised how wonderful it is to haf e company of my gang...i mean...not tat i just realised it...but im just thinkin abt it...hmm...e usually dull n borin dae would turn out to be an excitin, non stop laughin dae...we hear each other stomach's growlin...we see each other doin retarded actions...we mug together...we gossip together...we diet together...we joke n laugh together...i haf cheryl remindin me to bring this n tat...havin fiona's to hua chi together and tokin alot abt our past n everything...huixian helpin me in my work n of cox...a great help to me in findin out on ahem...waiyin constant blurrness brought us laughter...n yesh...e four of em...make up my dae...=)
n of cox...not forgetin the other gurls in o6S212...definitely they are great frenx too...n it dawned on me...tat i shouldnt be bearin any grudges on anyone...cox i feel stupid doin tat n i dun see e need to...
okie...i guess i gotta go do my chem le...will update it if ive e time....
POKKA!!!! =)))))
i cant exactly rmb wad i did on think im gettin stm(short term memory)
anywae...thurs was great!!! because......pokka was standin right behind me durin mornin assembly in LT...gasp! n he sang e sch song...n i heard ZZZZ... electrocuted...ZZZZ =) im suppose to stop hua-chi-ing...but i guess it cant be helped...jc life is so mundane....time to add some colours to it...=) so lets add green!!!
had phy spa todae...was in a total rush for time...n my sweaty palm activated...i mean..realli realli activated...i had trouble tryin to write...e red string was totally soaked in my hands...erm..okie..tat sounded gross...anywae...i did manage to finish it was still alright...
n yep....i realised how wonderful it is to haf e company of my gang...i mean...not tat i just realised it...but im just thinkin abt it...hmm...e usually dull n borin dae would turn out to be an excitin, non stop laughin dae...we hear each other stomach's growlin...we see each other doin retarded actions...we mug together...we gossip together...we diet together...we joke n laugh together...i haf cheryl remindin me to bring this n tat...havin fiona's to hua chi together and tokin alot abt our past n everything...huixian helpin me in my work n of cox...a great help to me in findin out on ahem...waiyin constant blurrness brought us laughter...n yesh...e four of em...make up my dae...=)
n of cox...not forgetin the other gurls in o6S212...definitely they are great frenx too...n it dawned on me...tat i shouldnt be bearin any grudges on anyone...cox i feel stupid doin tat n i dun see e need to...
okie...i guess i gotta go do my chem le...will update it if ive e time....
POKKA!!!! =)))))
Monday, September 11, 2006
after readin wad eliza tag on my triggers me to blog!! hehehex....=) all e daes in st john...goin for standard n advance nco course...goin thru all e rubbish n unreasonable punishments i wish we can go camp again!!! im sure jenny would object this..hehex..just came back frm otc camp yea?
still rmb sec 2 when we go standard nco course...survivin at newtown sec for 4 daes 3 nights without e longest time i nva bathe...super disgustin...still rmb first dae...we had games yea...then all e sticky flour stuck all over us...n imagine u cant bathe for e next 3 daes...eeewww...u might be wonderin how cum we cant bathe yea? is cox tat horrid sch has got no shower head...!!!! night santury duty was super eeriee....walkin ard e dark n spooky sch...thinkin tat we can haf a good slp after our duty...but nope! e officers decided to haf a fire it got us woke up at 2am...runnin to fall in...n get scolded by e officers for being slow...back to slp again...n hu noes...e officers lovin blowin their drill again at 3am...gosh! everyone was like a zombie runnin down again...had two to three hours of slp...n haf to wake up for PT...okie..i mux comment tat their PT was pretty slack...had great fun durin campfire nite...if im not wrong...eddy n someone else danced pole dance...right respectables?
still rmb sec 3 when we go advance nco course, we were all super happie...cox it was held in we were all least we noe for sure, we can bathe..hehex...only rmb e ubin trip n e stay over there...buildin our basha wif great effort...n each time...e course i/c cut e camscort..n we haf to rebuild it again...i think we build like 3 times...ZzZz...n each time we re build...e basha became more n more fragile...n thx to e officer who lent us a groundsheet wif holes in it...cox it rained at night...eliza, jen n i were totally drenched...n yesh...both eliza n i wun forget wad happen tat night yea? we had to support e groundsheet...while our dear jen was so sound asleep...n as wad eliza mentioned on my tagboard...sir fedrick if im not wrong...made us empty our bag on e cold, dark n rainy mornin...just because we left our belonging unattended...smth like dat...we saw fireflies at night too...had night solo walk also...kinda creepy...n advance nco cadets were famous for their banana cheer n irritatin song...hehex!!! =)
n yesh...sir ben gave me a long dist call frm china!! erm...just to tell me to go online at night n tok abt st john things...ermm...yea...but i felt super bad...cox i fell asleep while waitin for my sis to use finish e com so tat i can i didnt went online...=x sorrie sir! much abt st john....
im pretty slack todae..didnt do much..just do phy tys one chpt...studied econs price ceilin n price thru phy spa notes...tats abt i spent my entire dae only completin so few things...hmm...oh ya..went for a run in e evenin too...
man...sch startin tomolo!!! sigh! still got lots to revise for my promos...haixx...but nvm..there's pe tomolo...shall be e highlight of my dae then...*pls dun take height n weight*
still rmb sec 2 when we go standard nco course...survivin at newtown sec for 4 daes 3 nights without e longest time i nva bathe...super disgustin...still rmb first dae...we had games yea...then all e sticky flour stuck all over us...n imagine u cant bathe for e next 3 daes...eeewww...u might be wonderin how cum we cant bathe yea? is cox tat horrid sch has got no shower head...!!!! night santury duty was super eeriee....walkin ard e dark n spooky sch...thinkin tat we can haf a good slp after our duty...but nope! e officers decided to haf a fire it got us woke up at 2am...runnin to fall in...n get scolded by e officers for being slow...back to slp again...n hu noes...e officers lovin blowin their drill again at 3am...gosh! everyone was like a zombie runnin down again...had two to three hours of slp...n haf to wake up for PT...okie..i mux comment tat their PT was pretty slack...had great fun durin campfire nite...if im not wrong...eddy n someone else danced pole dance...right respectables?
still rmb sec 3 when we go advance nco course, we were all super happie...cox it was held in we were all least we noe for sure, we can bathe..hehex...only rmb e ubin trip n e stay over there...buildin our basha wif great effort...n each time...e course i/c cut e camscort..n we haf to rebuild it again...i think we build like 3 times...ZzZz...n each time we re build...e basha became more n more fragile...n thx to e officer who lent us a groundsheet wif holes in it...cox it rained at night...eliza, jen n i were totally drenched...n yesh...both eliza n i wun forget wad happen tat night yea? we had to support e groundsheet...while our dear jen was so sound asleep...n as wad eliza mentioned on my tagboard...sir fedrick if im not wrong...made us empty our bag on e cold, dark n rainy mornin...just because we left our belonging unattended...smth like dat...we saw fireflies at night too...had night solo walk also...kinda creepy...n advance nco cadets were famous for their banana cheer n irritatin song...hehex!!! =)
n yesh...sir ben gave me a long dist call frm china!! erm...just to tell me to go online at night n tok abt st john things...ermm...yea...but i felt super bad...cox i fell asleep while waitin for my sis to use finish e com so tat i can i didnt went online...=x sorrie sir! much abt st john....
im pretty slack todae..didnt do much..just do phy tys one chpt...studied econs price ceilin n price thru phy spa notes...tats abt i spent my entire dae only completin so few things...hmm...oh ya..went for a run in e evenin too...
man...sch startin tomolo!!! sigh! still got lots to revise for my promos...haixx...but nvm..there's pe tomolo...shall be e highlight of my dae then...*pls dun take height n weight*
Sunday, September 10, 2006
im back again...
haven realli got e time to here i am again...a quick recap of wad happen durin my sept holidae...
went back to zhonghua for leadership course...i would n jen are efficient? hehex...we nva once meet up to discuss abt e plannin of this course...everything was done thru email n msn...n ta da! we just run the course smoothly...hehex...
reached zhonghua ard 7.45am...feelin weird wearin my st john half uniform...for a moment i thought i was wearin a gown...hehex...cox e skirt like super long liddat...n still haf to tuck in ur shirt...bun up hair...wear stood in front of e mirror...n all i could sae was...' oh no...i looked super toot...' =x muster parade started...followed by footdrills...tryin to absorb sum aura frm jen but apparently...i think we all lost e aura le...
i still rmb e course achieve held sometime ago...we were all e monsters in e eyes of e cadets...making em do all sorts of punishment...i still rmb how jenny poured water on e field just to make e soil muddy n soggy...n we actually asked e cadets to pump there...yet at e same time...they cant get their uniform tiexuan shouted at e cadets n repeatedly makin em do pasar actually meant takin out all ur belongings frm ur bag within 10secs or eliza alwaes shout at e cadets for draggin their boots...jackie would occasionally pick on one or two cadets n shout right at their face...n makin em stand right at e parade sq shoutin YES SGT till he thinks he's satisfied wif e cadets vol...pearlyn n bellina would also scream at e cadets...while mingxian is just like a grandfather...nag n nag...n i? erm...i only recallin askin e cadets to pump...n keep recoverin em n samula em cox they wore their beret too e monsters long ago had all lost their aura now...
training went on...n i can sae tat e year 1s are all potentials...far better than e year 2s in fact...had triage later in e afternoon...which i guessed was pretty well done...everything ended ard 3.30pm or so...n yep..went to serangoon mac to mug wif jen...
leadership course exam...was their examiner for MOI...nth much happened either...
ps: sorrie jen...i left earlier...=x
Pw meetin in e members were gossipin n uh oh! someone heard it...=x shhhh.....went to tampines mall wif fiona n clifford....n i vow i would nva go out wif clifford...i bet fiona would agree...yea? went muggin wif fiona at mac...n we tok n tok n tok alot...n yesh...she triggers me we both feel like *****
tats all abt it...spent wed n fri muggin as off to eat my lunch...n u all haf channel 55??? watch full house!!! so tats my highlight of e dae...hehex...RAIN is super cuttteee!!!
haven realli got e time to here i am again...a quick recap of wad happen durin my sept holidae...
went back to zhonghua for leadership course...i would n jen are efficient? hehex...we nva once meet up to discuss abt e plannin of this course...everything was done thru email n msn...n ta da! we just run the course smoothly...hehex...
reached zhonghua ard 7.45am...feelin weird wearin my st john half uniform...for a moment i thought i was wearin a gown...hehex...cox e skirt like super long liddat...n still haf to tuck in ur shirt...bun up hair...wear stood in front of e mirror...n all i could sae was...' oh no...i looked super toot...' =x muster parade started...followed by footdrills...tryin to absorb sum aura frm jen but apparently...i think we all lost e aura le...
i still rmb e course achieve held sometime ago...we were all e monsters in e eyes of e cadets...making em do all sorts of punishment...i still rmb how jenny poured water on e field just to make e soil muddy n soggy...n we actually asked e cadets to pump there...yet at e same time...they cant get their uniform tiexuan shouted at e cadets n repeatedly makin em do pasar actually meant takin out all ur belongings frm ur bag within 10secs or eliza alwaes shout at e cadets for draggin their boots...jackie would occasionally pick on one or two cadets n shout right at their face...n makin em stand right at e parade sq shoutin YES SGT till he thinks he's satisfied wif e cadets vol...pearlyn n bellina would also scream at e cadets...while mingxian is just like a grandfather...nag n nag...n i? erm...i only recallin askin e cadets to pump...n keep recoverin em n samula em cox they wore their beret too e monsters long ago had all lost their aura now...
training went on...n i can sae tat e year 1s are all potentials...far better than e year 2s in fact...had triage later in e afternoon...which i guessed was pretty well done...everything ended ard 3.30pm or so...n yep..went to serangoon mac to mug wif jen...
leadership course exam...was their examiner for MOI...nth much happened either...
ps: sorrie jen...i left earlier...=x
Pw meetin in e members were gossipin n uh oh! someone heard it...=x shhhh.....went to tampines mall wif fiona n clifford....n i vow i would nva go out wif clifford...i bet fiona would agree...yea? went muggin wif fiona at mac...n we tok n tok n tok alot...n yesh...she triggers me we both feel like *****
tats all abt it...spent wed n fri muggin as off to eat my lunch...n u all haf channel 55??? watch full house!!! so tats my highlight of e dae...hehex...RAIN is super cuttteee!!!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
sometimes i realli wonder wads e purpose of studyin...i can sit there and study yet nth will get into my head...n so i asked myself...wads e pt in studyin?? so tat i wun get retain? so tat i can get promoted to j2? so tat i will haf a bright future? sigh! i think theres no more meanin in in...dun u all think we are studyin for e sake of tat we can complete our education n at e end of e dae, show our boss our cert n get a decent job? everyone is just pushin emselves to study not because we are eager to learn new knowledge but rather to do even better than our peers....n prove ourselves right...sigh! watever, i guess im just gettin sick of studyin...
i had a dream last night, same place..same settin...same atmosphere...same person...but yet...e feelin is no longer e is my mind sub consciously tellin me is time to let go n stop thinkin abt him? sigh! i wonder how many dozen of times i told myself tat...i knew i had to let go...but there are just so many more things tat im holdin on to...just wad's e hell wrong wif me...argh!
watever, this is just s random post...
i had a dream last night, same place..same settin...same atmosphere...same person...but yet...e feelin is no longer e is my mind sub consciously tellin me is time to let go n stop thinkin abt him? sigh! i wonder how many dozen of times i told myself tat...i knew i had to let go...but there are just so many more things tat im holdin on to...just wad's e hell wrong wif me...argh!
watever, this is just s random post...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
just realised it had been a-g-e-s since i last updated...pretty occupied with things...anywae...a pretty quick update on teachers' dae. It was suppose to be held in pasir ris park, but due to the bad weather, it held in sch instead...kinda sianed...but was supposed to be BE YOURSELF dae, but ironically, we are asked to dress accordin to movie shows or adhere to the theme our class wanted to act as nerds?? we bought e same polo tee e dae before...yep...n when all of us gathered wif e simliar top..we realised we dun look like nerds at all...but rather...M-A-I-D!!! alamak..n looked at our hair...we tie em into 2 ponytails...alamak...when was e last time i tied tat?? erm...ten years back? when i was 6 or 7? but haixx...nvm..since all e gurls are tyin it tat way...i didnt haf a choice either...all i could do was to stand in front of e mirror n luff at myself...dots!
06S212! this may be our last pic wif mr audi...sniff...dun u think mr audi looks cute?
mass advertisment from the maid agency...hehex...
my gang of gurls!!! man..look at our hair...alamak...=x (look at our dear huixian wif cheryl's long ago specs...)
tats waiyin, fiona, me, huixian and izyann...
next up...
met wif pearly at tampines mall...n yesh...we brought her to pierce her ears( my briliiant idea...=p ) hehehx....and we went shoppin for ear rings for was suppose to be her bdae present frm me...huixian..fiona..cheryl and waiyin...yup! went pasta mania for lunch...happened to see daryl sng there...he looked so cool wif his canoeing jacket...anywae...he was complainin to me tpjc ended sch at 12pm n they had lessons in e mornin somemore...hahax...poor thing..luckily we ended at 9.30am...=)
walked ard e mall...sat and tok for ages...hehex...n yesh...i noe more abt someone...n she realli irks me...YUCKS!!! =x
anywae..spent my time muggin at home yesterdae...but didnt complete much thou...just manage to revise one chpt for chem...and did 1 summary for phy...and revised my functions...
went to sir ben hse in e a big bungalow...anywae...he was teachin n impartin me all e skills for admin..hahax...n one furniee thing was...i mistaken his bro to be his sister...duh! n we ended up luffin like e time we ended...was ard 9pm...n yesh! ben drove me home...whahhax!!! n before i got off his car..he said 'is dark,do be careful' sir ben has finally grown to be a gentleman... that sir ben is most prob preparin to leave his house n fly to china...i'll be stranded here in spore...tryin to handle e entire corp by myself...i was tellin him..perhaps when he return next year, zhonghua st john corp would haf most prob collapse...=x

an example of hair tied in 2 ponytails...hehehx...=)



next up...
met wif pearly at tampines mall...n yesh...we brought her to pierce her ears( my briliiant idea...=p ) hehehx....and we went shoppin for ear rings for was suppose to be her bdae present frm me...huixian..fiona..cheryl and waiyin...yup! went pasta mania for lunch...happened to see daryl sng there...he looked so cool wif his canoeing jacket...anywae...he was complainin to me tpjc ended sch at 12pm n they had lessons in e mornin somemore...hahax...poor thing..luckily we ended at 9.30am...=)
walked ard e mall...sat and tok for ages...hehex...n yesh...i noe more abt someone...n she realli irks me...YUCKS!!! =x
anywae..spent my time muggin at home yesterdae...but didnt complete much thou...just manage to revise one chpt for chem...and did 1 summary for phy...and revised my functions...
went to sir ben hse in e a big bungalow...anywae...he was teachin n impartin me all e skills for admin..hahax...n one furniee thing was...i mistaken his bro to be his sister...duh! n we ended up luffin like e time we ended...was ard 9pm...n yesh! ben drove me home...whahhax!!! n before i got off his car..he said 'is dark,do be careful' sir ben has finally grown to be a gentleman... that sir ben is most prob preparin to leave his house n fly to china...i'll be stranded here in spore...tryin to handle e entire corp by myself...i was tellin him..perhaps when he return next year, zhonghua st john corp would haf most prob collapse...=x
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