Sunday, May 07, 2006

let see what i haf done for my afternoon

-completed my maths inqualities assignment
-completed summary for inqualities chapter
-completed maths binomial tutorials
-written notes for econs

hmm....satisfaction....perhaps could haf done more...but well...considerin e fact tat i did em all within one afternoon is alreadi more than enuff...hehex...=)

now doin my final editin for my PI....hmmm...realli mux thank those ppl who helped me wif my PI...a big THANK YOU to u guys...!!!! =)

cant believe muscle is achin everywhere...just cox of a standin board jump...alamak...i was jumpin n jumpin n jumpin for pe lesson tat dae...cox ms suey kept sayin i leave off e ground wif 1 leg only...alamak...then me n fiona were like kept jumpin at e side...dunnoe jump for how many umpteen times...ZzZz...

mon is e 5items test le...cham! my sit n reach seriously got problem..i think i got stiff bones...ZzZz...n i cant jump far enuff....n my knee still hurts at to run fast for shuttle run??? how to get gold?? only confident of sit ups...hahhax..e most relaxin one...=x

i'll update tomolo again..sista wan to use com...shall keep my entry short then...

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