Wednesday, December 22, 2004 MOI exam was totally screwed up....cos i was stupid enuff not to brin my diskette along for powerpoint slides....*panic* wonderin how i am goin to teach without my slides and how e officers goin to grade i went to pester jenny...ask her help me think of solutions...she was nice n helped me thought of solutions....thOu it wasn't of much help....but...she's nice....*grinx*hehehex....i mus admit tat i did sumthin reali bad...realli realli bad...kinda guilty but i am not goin to sae....

okie tat was yestedae....todae we had first aid competition trainin session...the first thin that we do when we got there early in e mornin was to get pump by our dear sir Calvin cos sum ncos were late....then ran like 10 rounds round e bball court....i dun blame e ncos for cumin late...but erm...try harder next time....hehehex....then we put on our whistle and the trainin started....hmm...we took them for PT and ncos all turned DEVIL...i guess eliza can scold pretty well...hahahax...okokie...then cadets had their lesson taught by xinmin sec n e finale cum...sir calvin thought of a brilliant idea n we carried it out....we punished e cadets since they had discipline problemS...and we fall in em behind e art rm at e grass patch....and they did their pumpin a pool of mud? pretty gross....eeew...anywae...i guess it was a nightmare to all cadets for todae training...cos ncos carried out quite alot of punishments....anywae...i also got pretty exhausted at e end of e trainin....tomolo still got trainin and also meetin at 6pm at tea chapter....sumwhere at maxwell rd? dunnoe...heard frm jenny cant go for e meetin cos mama dunwan me go...sorry arh ncos....but dun worry...i'll still do my reports WeLL....:p several daes since he went to taiwan...kinda missed him...but anywae...take care ppl!!!

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